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The Age of Genuineness – The Organic Imaginalist

Dr.Ganesh Bala
The Post-Covid era demands a high level of ingenuity for all who desire success either by fortune or survival. Genuineness as in emotional honesty, clever articulation of thought and inventiveness in imagination. This is how romanticism reacted to Industrial Revolution I when Rousseu emphasised on back to nature, nationalism, celebration of the Individual, strong senses of emotions and feelings, interest in commonman and childhood and above all the relevance of imagination. In the twentyfirst century, the concept of Romanticism called itself – The age of intuition. Advancing on nineteenth century Romanticism, the age of intuition is characterised by spontaneity, passion, rebellion and intuition. It focussed on the ‘real’ than the ‘virtual’ by addressing the ‘hyper’ sensitivity of our sense organs such as smell, touch, vision, hearing and taste. The synergy of nature/culture giving a holistic vision to the Universe – Nature – Man as an all encompassing umbrella as one single connectivity and constantly engaging with our dynamic psyche, interacting and contradicting with one another. This demands genuineness and ingenuity. Living with the virtual and constant bombardment with the unreal, manipulative virtual reality, the romantics today ask to look back to our unconscious to discover the genetic roots. Our digital urban living provides advanced technological products that which forces the romantics to resort to organic thinking. This also projects a rational man not dry with vulgar rationality of machines such as artificial intelligence but responds with  imagination and emotional rationality. Even when the machines influence all aspects of our lives in thought and emotion, the romantics call our times, the age of genuineness where truth lies inner and outer or the reflection of the outer is mirrored in the inner consciousness. The determinants of the unconscious within composes of love (Freud), a sense of justice and as Freud himself admitted arenas of the unconscious  undiscovered, some elements of knowledge catering to each antropological entities which can be explored. The quest for ingenuity leads to imagination as a function of adventure with unexplored parts of the brain and  realisation of the self in the form of individual traits, instincts, orientations as response – reaction reflexes unknown to us since time immemmorial. These unexplored individual unconscious I call historical unconscious after genetics and antropological genetics. Therefore the New Individual after Covid is exposed to two relevant areas of the body – one the brain and the other the unconscious. With ongoing research in Neuro Science and Psychoanalysis, the orientation from physical to mental, from virtual to virtual reality demands prudent and judicious awareness and observation from the New Individual that opens opportunitites along with threats that which we are already witnessing through Covid. So for the new romantic, again the individual is at the centre with organic imagination and genuineness to his/her  mental space. The new individual and romantic is an Organic Imaginalist.