Dr. Ganesh Bala
If the universe and planets are in constant motion, then humans are engaged in a continuous state of motion. But our illusion tells us we’re in a state of rest as a feeling or understanding. Therefore we always considered static state as an illusory stable condition. Something like Sankara’s “Maya” or illusion. So everything that we built as civilisation are all built on this illusion which we call realities or truth. But always there is a quest for truth beyond this illusion as if mankind unconsciously knew we are in illusion and there’s some truth beyond. Therefore when the movie “Matrix” says we are in a simulation that indirectly implies that we were always in an illusion. That could bring us to our own mental space or psyche. Someone who has stable moods, rigid, static in thoughts and emotions was always considered a sane or normal person even when he/she followed the principles of an unstable, eccentric, fantastical, spiritual or prophetic Guru/Prophet who is believed to talk only sense/truth even when he behaves odd or abnormal. Enough examples of such Gurus/Prophets are known to the human race. The basic difference here is a so called normal person lives in the above mentioned illusion/stable state being static and the genuine Guru/Prophets psyche is in motion concurrent with the planetary motionless the universe at large. This means our natural psyche is a dynamic psyche means it’s in continuous motion. Those sensitive minds who possess transparency within as a flow of thoughts and emotions without any conscious blocks, they can experience this dynamism or movement of the psyche and it’s connection with nature above all the universe. So they organically get linked to what is called the parallel universe concept something which comes naturally for them. The dynamic psyche always seeks this synergy with nature and the universe for all humans whether we are conscious of it or not. If such a connection is established the static/stable illusion or simulation becomes secondary and the individual starts living with nature/universe reality. So what we think real becomes illusion and the absurd or the unknown starts unveiling before humanity. Only very few men or women in different periods of history were able to be aware and could realise the organic dynamic psyche. With the advent of artificial intelligence and it’s role in human psyche the possibility of more men and women growing into the self realisation of their dynamic psyche may become a reality.